Sally Grieshaber Photography

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How to Have Your Friend Officiate Your Elopement

One of the best ways to make your elopement completely unforgettable and deeply meaningful is to ask someone close to you to officiate your wedding. An elopement officiated by a friend can lend an extra degree of intimacy to your elopement ceremony — your wedding will be officiated by someone who knows you well and can deliver a speech full of personal significance tailored specifically for you! Here’s everything you need to know about how to have your friend officiate your elopement.

How To Ask Your Friend To Be Your Elopement Officiant

Asking your friend to be your elopement officiant is a big honor — and a big responsibility! You'll want to sit them down and let them know that they are an important person in your life, and that you want them to be an unforgettable part of your wedding ceremony. Here are some suggestions:

  • Invite them to lunch or dinner: This can really set the mood for this special honor and is a great way to show your friend how special they are to you.

  • Present them with a meaningful card: A thoughtful, handwritten card can be a very meaningful gesture!

  • Just come right out and ask: Sometimes just being direct is perfect! Be clear with them about what the role entails and what responsibilities they’ll be taking on if they choose to officiate your wedding.

Be Clear About Your Expectations

You’ll want to set clear expectations for what kind of ceremony you’re envisioning and what role your friend will play in the proceedings. Let them know about the overall vibe you’re going for and be direct with them about what they’re responsibilities will be.

Speak From The Heart

Consider whether the friend you’re asking is the kind of public speaker who feels comfortable standing up in front of a group of people and speaking truthfully and from the heart. Encourage your friend to write a speech that expresses their personal, honest feelings about this special moment in your lives. 

Let Them Know This Is A Low-Pressure Situation

If your friend seems a bit nervous when you invite them to officiate your wedding, let them know that there is no pressure for them to decide right away. Let them take some time to think about it and to decide if they feel like they will be able to undertake the responsibility.

Respect Their Decision

There’s a chance that your friend will ultimately have to let you know that they just are not up to it (not everyone feels comfortable or equipped to fulfill the responsibilities). 

If this happens, it’s important to accept your friend’s answer graciously and with compassion. No matter what, be confident that everything will work out for the best — you will get the wedding of your dreams, even if there are one or two unexpected changes in plan along the way.

How To Get A Friend Ordained For Elopement Officiating

If the friend you’re choosing to officiate your wedding isn’t a professional wedding officiant, then you definitely will want to check the legal requirements for a friend to officiate your elopement in the state or municipality in which you’re getting married. 

Tip: When researching, make sure you are getting your information directly from government websites or other official sources.

There are few places where your friend can get ordained to officiate your elopement, which just require you to fill out a short and simple application in order to get officially ordained:

If this part of the process seems a little daunting, don’t worry! As part of my services, I assist all my couples with researching the legal requirements. I’ll make sure that all our information is accurate and up-to-date and keep track of all the necessary paperwork!

Let’s Get Things Started!

If you’re planning your elopement and are looking for an adventure elopement photographer in Washington, Oregon, and California, then we should definitely have a chat. I’ll be with you every step of the way, ensuring you get the special and unforgettable wedding day that you deserve!